2024-07-16 Yukai Chou <muzimuzhi@gmail.com> * latexbug.dtx: Add historic package versions owned by "us(*)" 2024-06-17 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: Add tagging project files; Mark fontspec and unicode-math as "us" Add a few other packages supported by team members 2022-06-14 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: Added mathcolor.ltx (gh/6) 2022-06-10 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: Don't warn for hypdoc, used by doc V2 (gh/5) Added ltdoc.cfg Added all kinds of babel locale files so that they do not show up as external (might be a never ending story) 2021-09-25 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: don't warn for expl3.ltx (part of rollback) 2021-08-26 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: Do not classify packages maintained by us (but in different repositories) as third-party files. 2021-06-27 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: added a lot of new files as supported ... 2021-03-05 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx ignore hyperref-langpatches.def 2021-01-02 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: add l3debug.def 2020-09-25 Joseph Wright <Joseph.WRight@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: update l3backend file list 2019-09-13 Frank Mittelbach <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: added rotating.sty (graphics) 2018-12-31 <Frank.Mittelbach@latex-project.org> * latexbug.dtx: AMS classes are not supported by the LaTeX team but by the AMS